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Classical & Contemporary Culinary & Arts Academy

Project Type: Architecture, Interior & Masterplanning
Location: Jerusalem, 1967 Israel-Palestine Border
Year: 2018-19
Building Type: Educational & Health
Role: Student
Project Type: Final Design Thesis


The academy is aimed at using what Palestinians and Israelis have in common - art, food, culture and history. It looks to engage people from both sides through various forms of art and cooking in a shared-fungible space- looking to create understanding and dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis.


The concept is ‘reconciling 1967’; the 1967 borders are the point at which this conflict could have been drastically different and reconciling because the project looks at finding methods of dialogue, encounters, communication and coexistence between people that have known only to fear and hate one another.


The site chosen is in the pocket between the conflict, it is the zone between and outside of the territories, the point at which the edges, divides, gateway[s], and barriers are blurred.The design proposal aims to bridge this border by creating a space and functions that allow for dialogue, engagement and encounters.


The proposal is aimed at the curious who want to learn more about those on the other side of the border, religious groups practicing & promoting traditional values of community cohesion and respect. Further groups include coalitions & organisations promoting peace & dialogue, interfaith & inter-cultural groups; and finally educational institutes & their students who aim to educate their students about the people on the other side of the border positively rather than as demons or violent people.

End of Year Show

7th - 24th June, 2019

End of Year Show

June, 2019

End of Year Show [June, 2019]

External Examiners Award

Design Thesis

001 Classical & Contemporary Culinary & Arts Academy

Design Thesis

002 Concept

Design Thesis

003 The Narrative

Design Thesis

004 Form Finding

Design Thesis

005 Tactical Urbanism

Design Thesis

006 Conceptual Program

Design Thesis

007 Tactical Urbanism

Design Thesis

008 Design Strategies

Design Thesis

009 The 1967 Border

Design Thesis

010 Conceptualising The Concept

Design Thesis

011 Encounters, Engagement & Dialogue

Design Thesis

012 Understanding The SpatialArrangement & Structure

Design Thesis

013 Structure

Design Thesis

014 Structural Strategy

Design Thesis

015 Arts & Crafts Ground Floor

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